Replacing Downlights, Controls, Dimmers & Downlight Sockets
If you need to replace Specialty Lighting manufactured controls, dimmers, or downlight sockets, visit our Controls, Lamps & Accessories page. If you need downlight replacements, visit our Downlighting page. Most of these products are available to purchase online. Look for the green shopping cart icon. Note: GS series downlights replace GR3290 and GS3290 and can be ordered from our website. 3290 is a discontinued catalog number and has been replaced by another catalog number system. Visit the classic trimless downlight page for more information.
If you need help identifying your product, scroll down for more information.
Identify Your Product
Identify your product by model or catalog number. Enter the catalog or model number in the Product Search Box at the top of the website page. Once you have identified your product and/or its model/catalog number, you can place your order.
Are you having trouble finding the correct catalog or model number? The label is typically located on the fixture or switch box. Keep in mind that label styles may have changed over time. Once you find the label, use the Product Label Guide to help locate the catalog or model number.

How to identify your downlight
Can’t find the product label? If you are unable to locate the product label with the product information, you can identify by the appearance of the downlight.
Note: Some fixtures have been discontinued or have been changed over time so they may not look exactly like your product.
Is the downlight flanged (trim) or trimless?
Flanged Downlights
classic flanged – FA series (replaces FH series), FB series Available to order online
The recessed LED flanged-RDF60 upgrade model for the FA, FB, or FH series
ec swivel is available to order online.
FH series has been discontinued. See classic flanged
for a suitable replacement fixture. However, replacement
parts are available.
To order replacement parts, Contact Us for assistance.
Identify Flanged Downlight
PDF Download
Trimless Downlights
Classic trimless – GS series (replaces GR3290 series), HW series, TV series Available to order online.
recessed LED trimless – RD60 upgrade model for the GS, GR, HW, & TV series
GR series (GR3290) has been discontinued. See classic trimless
for a suitable replacement fixture. However, replacement
parts are available.
To order replacement parts, Contact Us for assistance.
mini can has been discontinued
The shopping cart feature is available to order downlights online.

How to identify your downlight socket
Medium Base Downlight Socket Assembly
Replacement socket assembly for the following downlight series: FA, FB, FD, GS, HW, and TV. Item 337-250
Intermediate Base Downlight Socket Assembly
Replacement socket assembly for the following downlight series: FH and GR. Item 337-280
Note: FH series and GR series are discontinued products; replacement parts are available.
The shopping cart feature is available for ordering downlight sockets.
Once you identify your downlight socket, visit the product page to place your order.

How to identify your switch or dimmer
Having trouble finding the correct catalog or model number? The label is typically located on the dimmer or switch box. Keep in mind label styles may have changed over time.
Can’t find the product label? If you are unable to locate the product label with the product information, you can identify by the appearance of the switch or dimmer.
NOTE: If your switch or dimmer is direct wired to the light fixture with no male and female plugs to disconnect, it is recommended to contact the factory for a replacement solution.
full range rotary dimmer Available to order online
Dimmer boxes may be constructed of plastic or metal.
A repair kit is available and can be ordered by contacting Specialty Lighting
Repair Kit Installation Instructions
three level touch dimmer Available to order online.
A repair kit is available and can be ordered by contacting Specialty Lighting
Repair Kit Installation Instructions
Hi-Lo dimmer
Available to order online
push switch
Available to order online.
two circuit switch
Available to order online
“Normally -on”/”Normally -off” switch
Available to order online
Identify Switches & Dimmers
PDF Download
The shopping cart feature is available for ordering three level touch dimmer , rotary dimmer, hi-lo dimmer, push switch, two circuit switch and “normally-on”/normally-off” switch. Visit the product page to place your order.
For all other dimmer and switches, Contact Us to place your order.

How to identify your connector type